Effective data management requires an audit trail. You need to make sure that you can identify where data management issues arise, audit your data, rollback changes, and keep track of what is happening through Insycle.
With Insycle's Activity Tracker, you have a complete audit trail and history of changes made through Insycle, even changes run in Preview Mode.
The Activity Tracker lets you track and review all changes made through Insycle in one place.
Every operation made through Insycle has a Run ID which is a unique identifier for that operation. You can download a CSV that provides a full audit trail for every change made through Insycle.
Use the Run ID when you reach out to Insycle support with any questions, or to collaborate with your team by referencing a set of data updates.
The Activity Tracker is where you can track and review all changes made to your data through Insycle, both for live updates and preview runs.
Every operation that is run through Insycle is viewable here, along with a range of data points about each operation.
When each operation is run, a Run ID is produced.
Clicking that Run ID downloads a CSV file that lets you see all of the changes that were made in a given run. You'll have a before and after view of the data in the records and fields that were affected.
The CSV report includes:
- Record ID
- Record Name
- Deeplink to the record in the native CRM
- Values "before" and "after" the operation
- Additional fields based on the specific modules and selection.
An audit trail of every operation is stored and accessible at any time.
The Activity Tracker includes information and statistics about every operation:
- Timing information: Start, finish, and duration times for each operation
- Record counts: Total, succeeded, failed, updated, created, deleted, unmodified
- Usage info: User, app, account, module, record type, template
- Type: Manual vs. automated operation
- Mode: Preview or update
- Recipe: hover to see the corresponding Recipe Run ID, when applicable
In the Activity Tracker, click on the relevant Run ID to download a CSV report of the records affected by that operation.
The CSV report includes:
- Record ID
- Record Name
- Deeplink to the record in the native CRM
- Values "before" and "after" the operation
- Additional fields based on the specific modules and selection.
Operations run in Preview mode are also tracked in the Activity Tracker. Enable the Show Preview toggle to include those operations.
In order to revert or undo changes made in an operation, download the CSV that corresponds to that Run ID.
Using the Magical Import module, map the Record ID and "Before" columns, discard the "After" columns, and upload the relevant records to the CRM.
In the Activity Tracker, you will see listings for both Recipes as well as the underlying templates.
Recipes and the templates included in the Recipe will be noted in the Activity Tracker by the checkbox in the "Recipe" column. The Recipe listing will show stats for all templates contained within the Recipe, while the Template listings will show relevant information for the operation run using that specific template.
If you click the Recipe name in the "Template" column, you will be redirected to the Recipe page. If you click on a Template name, you will be redirected to the relevant module and template.
Additionally, you can hover over the "Recipe" checkbox to see the Run ID for the recipe.
To learn more, see Recipes.
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