How to Group and Analyze Data

You need an easy way to group and examine records by field both for simple reporting tasks like seeing how many different Industry values you have, and getting more targeted information like the number of accounts assigned to a specific sales rep. 

Use the Group & Update module to group all values in a given field, analyze your data, and unearth important stats. You can add a second field to sub-group data, and potentially get some additional statistics.

Process Summary

  1. Select a field that you would like to analyze.
  2. Review the results in the Record Viewer.
  3. Add an additional field to create sub-groups.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Select the Field to Analyze

In the Group & Update module, select the database and record type. Then explore the templates for an existing solution that may be close to what you need.

Under Step 1, select the Field you want to group by and analyze. In this example, we've chosen the Industry field.

Step 1 Filter

Click the Analyze button, and a preview of the value groups that match this filter will load in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the page.

The Record Viewer lists all of the unique values contained in the field with a count of how many times each value is found. The below example shows that the most common Industry among our companies is Home Services.

If the selected field was a numeric field type, there would be statistical data too.


Click the checkbox by a value to expand the group. This opens up a secondary Viewer below the first, where you can review the individual records that have the selected value.

Secondary Record Viewer with record details

Create Group Subsets by Adding a Second Field

To explore a second grouping– a subset of the first– you can add an additional field under Step 1.  

Step 1 filter with two fields

When you click Analyze all of the different values for the first field are broken out into groups based on the second field. 

Industry Grouped by State/Region

A secondary field that contains integers will display additional quantitative metrics. For example, if you chose to group by Deal Owner and Deal Amount in Step 1, information such as the minimum, maximum, average, and total deal amounts generated by each Deal Owner would display.

Deal Owners grouped by Deal Amount

Click a checkbox to drill down into the individual records contained within each group.

Secondary Record Viewer with sub group details

Advanced How-Tos

Filtering Records

While you can analyze your data without filtering, this means Insycle will analyze your entire database. This can cause unnecessary work for the system and be quite slow. Use the Filter tab in Step 1 to focus only on a relevant segment of records.
For example, when working with deals, a filter such as, "Amount exists" ensures that Insycle will not create groups where the deal Amount value is <EMPTY>.

Step 1, Filter tab

Viewing More Columns in the Record Viewer

If you'd like to see more information for each of the resulting records, you can alter the fields in the secondary Record Viewer by using the Layout tab in Step 1.

Step 1, Layout tab

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