How to Find, Filter, and Segment Your CRM Data
Your data management practices can only be as good as your visibility. You need to know what you have in your database, where your issues lie, and what your most critical data maintenance tasks are to help your entire organization run like a well-oiled machine.
Insycle's powerful search and filtering features allow you to deep-dive into your data, slicing and dicing it using any field, and a wide range of filtering options. Use functions like "equals or greater than," "exists," and regular expressions to drill down into your data.
Filtering Basics
Insycle makes advanced searching and filtering of your data simple with features built into each module.
The filter helps you find a specific subset of your data. By adding criteria to look for, you're telling Insycle what records you would like to work with.
Let's cover how filtering data works, starting from a simple example and building to something a bit more advanced.
Under the Filter tab, select the Field to work with. Use the Condition to set the rule that the data in the selected field must meet.
Each field you add to the filter tells Insyscle what you want to look at to determine whether to include or exclude a record from this task. You can use any field in your database, and for Contact records, there are three additional options related to Email. See the Pro Tip below for more detail.
In the below example, the records are filtered down to only those with the term, "CA" in the "Stage/Region" field.
The records that meet your criteria will be shown in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the module.
In the next example, we set up the filter to search for multiple terms, "WA|OR|CA." The bar "|" character (above your keyboard's Enter key), is used to separate multiple values, and acts as "OR."
This means the records must have a State/Region value of, "Washington OR Oregon OR California."
The more targeted your filters are, the more accurately you can make bulk changes.
Click the + Field button to further refine records by looking for additional shared properties. When you add fields, each condition must be met. To remove a field, click the “X” button at the end of the field row.
In the example below, we are looking for records with a State/Region value of, "Washington OR Oregon OR California," AND that do not have a Phone Number listed in the database.
Now let's look at a more advanced example, including engagement data.
This filter looks for records that:
- Are located in Washington, Oregon, or California.
- Do not have a Phone Number listed.
- Are in the Technology or Home Services Industries.
- Have visited the CRM customer's website at least 5 times.
Once you're looking at a very specific segment of your database, you can export the data for further review.
Pro Tip: Extra Options for Email
You can filter your data using any field in your database. Most of the options in the Field dropdown match the fields that are found in your CRM, and for Contact records, there are three additional options related to the Email value:
- Email Username: The portion of the email address before the “@.” For example, if the email address were “,” the username value would be “maria.”
- Free Email Provider Domain: Choose True to filter out records where the email domain is Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and about 10,000 other free email providers. This filter helps ensure these are real clients, or can determine which record is legitimate because it’s most likely customer companies aren't using free Gmail accounts (though a contact may have accidentally emailed us from it at some point).
- Email Top-Level Domain: The top-level domain (TLD) is everything that follows the final dot of a domain name. For example, in the domain name', '.com' is the TLD. Some other popular TLDs include '.org', '.uk', and '.edu'.
Fields you use for searching and filtering aren't automatically included in the Record Viewer that displays the results. And if you intend to export the data, the fields you include in the Layout impact the data fields included in the CSV file.
You can add or remove fields that appear in the Record Viewer and data exports from the Layout tab. Note that the location of this tab can vary from module to module.
In the right column, you can search for fields to add to the layout and drag them into the left Visible Fields column. To change the order fields show up, drag-and-drop them in the left column.
Remove fields by dragging from the Visible Fields column into the right column.
If you are filtering data and are finding that the results within Insycle are not what you would expect, there are a few easy things to look into.
Filter Setup
1) Make sure that you have clicked the Search button on the Filter,
2) Ensure that your filter is accurate, and not too specific. For instance, if you are using the "is" operator in your filter, you might broaden the Condition using "contains" or "starts with" to identify other records with slight differences.
3) Ensure there isn't anything in the filter that you didn't intend. Especially, if you started with an existing template. If you are working on associations, also be sure to check the filter for the associated records.
Look for Possible Sync Issues
To determine if there may have a possible issue with your data sync between Insycle and your CRM, start by answering these questions:
- Do the field values exist in Insycle? To verify this, remove all filters and add the field to the layout. If the answer is "No," then you may have a sync lag issue.
- Has the field type recently changed? For example, was the field type changed from a text field to a picklist/dropdown, or from text to numbers?
If the answer to 1 is "No," or the answer to 2 is "Yes," then you likely have a data sync lag and just need to trigger a fresh sync between your CRM and Insycle.
Triggering a Data Sync
If you don't see data in the relevant field in Insycle, but the field contains data in your CRM, it is likely a field syncing issue. Modified records automatically sync hourly, and deleted or merged records sync nightly. You can manually initiate a data sync to see changes made between the auto-sync intervals.
To refresh the data in Insycle, navigate to Settings > Sync Status, and next to the account name, click the Sync changes from last day button (lightning bolt icon). Alternatively, you could log out of Insycle and then log back in.
Learn more about the data sync. For help re-syncing a specific field, contact Insycle support.
Though the Filter is a key feature in Step 1 of most modules, it can appear in other places.
In the Merge Duplicates module, the Filter is accessed from a button.
The Associate app includes the standard filter in Step 1, but there is an additional filter for records to associate/link under Step 2.
And the Filter might not be the default tab under a Step, like in the Cleanse Data or Magical Import modules.
Search Functions By Field Type
To take full advantage of Insycle's filtering and search capabilities, you need to be familiar with the different functions that are available for each field type. For instance, number-based fields have different options than free-text fields.
Here is a breakdown of every major filtering function:
Function | Description | Example |
Starts with |
Value begins with the specified characters. | ("New York" would identify records with "New York" and "New York City.") |
Contains | Term is contained anywhere in the field. | "York" would surface "New York," "New York City," and "Yorkshire." |
Is | Is exactly as entered, with no additional keystrokes. | "New York" would surface "New York. |
Exists | Contains any value in the field at all. | |
Contains Term |
Contains the entire term anywhere in the field. | "Chief" would surface "Chief Executive Officer," "Chief Financial Officer," "Fire Chief," etc. |
Ends With | Field ends with the exact entry. | "Inc." would surface all company names that end with "Inc." |
Similar | Finds all similar fields. | "" would surface "" "," or "," etc. |
Regex | A regular expression is a pattern that matches strings or pieces of strings. | See the Section Below for examples. |
Doesn't Start With | Finds fields that do not start with the specified term. | "Mr." would filter out first names that contain the term "Mr." |
Doesn't Contain | The field does not contain the term anywhere. | "Microsoft" to search for a list of companies, but remove Microsoft from the list. |
Is Not | Surface all fields that do not match the entered term exactly. | "State is not Washington" would surface all contacts not from Washington. |
Doesn't Exist | Surface records that have no data contained in the specified field. | |
Doesn't Contain Term | Does not contain the term anywhere in the field. | |
Doesn't End With | Field does not end with. | "Inc." would surface all company names that do not end with "Inc." |
Not Similar | Find all records that do not have fields that are similar to your entered term. | "Not similar to Microsoft" to remove Microsoft and all similar company names from a list |
Negate Regex | Negate a group of characters and find fields that do not contain your regular expression search. |
- Is. Field matches input exactly.
- Is not. Field contains anything except exactly what was entered.
- Equals or less than. Is equal to or less than the specified number.
- Equals or greater than. Is equal to or greater than the specified number.
- Less than. Is less than the specified number.
- Greater than. Is greater than the specified number.
- Exists. The field contains any data at all.
- Doesn't Exist. The field contains no data at all.
- Regex. Filter records using regular expressions. See examples below.
- Negate regex. Negate records through regular expressions. See examples below.
- In the last. In example, "In the last 6 weeks."
- Between. Between two specific dates.
- Is. Field matches a specific date.
- Is not. Field contains any date except specified date.
- Before the last. In example, "Before the last 6 weeks."
- At or before. "At or before the last 6 weeks."
- At or after. "At or after 6 months ago."
- Before. "Before 6 months ago."
- After. "After 6 months ago."
- Exists. The field contains any data at all.
- Doesn't Exist. The field contains no data at all.
Additionally, date fields allow you to set dates using the calendar widget, making choosing timeframes simple.
- Any of. Contains any listed selections.
- Not any of. Contains none of the listed selections.
- All of. Contains all of the listed selections. Can contain others as well.
- Not all of. Any record that does not include all of the listed selections in the picklist field.
- Exists. Contains any data at all.
- Doesn't Exist. Contains no data for the picklist field.
Additionally, picklist fields allow you to select the existing values in the picklist through a dropdown.
A reference field lets you choose from the field values found in the database. Contact Owner is an example of a reference field, giving you a list of owner names pulled from the data to choose from.
- Any of. Contains any listed selections.
- Not any of. Contains none of the listed selections.
- All of. Contains all of the listed selections. Can contain others as well.
- Not all of. Any record that does not include all of the listed selections in the picklist field.
- Exists. Contains any data at all.
- Doesn't Exist. Contains no data for the picklist field.
HubSpot maintains a list of free email providers that can be used to segment lists, block form submissions, score leads, and other purposes. This list can be accessed using the "Free Email Domains" field in Insycle. You can view the list on HubSpot's website.
Regular Expression Search
Insycle's filter feature is robust on its own, but it also provides a few ways to use regular expressions (regex) for more precise filtering and searching of your data. If you know how to use them, they can be incredibly powerful and extend the existing functionality in Insycle.
You can use regex to:
- Validate that a field (or a portion of that text) matches some pattern.
- Find fragments of some text that match some pattern in a field.
- Extract fragments of some text from a field.
Regex commands are available as Conditions included on the Filter tab.
- regex looks for a specified pattern in your data
- negate regex finds records that don't match the specified pattern
In this example, we're using the regular expression "[0-9]{1,4}" to find Postal Code values that have between 1 and 4 numbers.
If you click the Advanced tab, you can see the syntax for the filter you set up.
The Advanced filter syntax works as follows:
A negate regex has a minus (-) in front of the field instead of a plus, like:
If you have development or regular expressions experience, these functions and the Advanced tab can provide you complete control over how you search your database, being as creative and specific as needed.
The example below shows the Advanced filter syntax using regex for surfacing contact records that have a single letter for the first name.
Here are some examples of how regular expressions work:
Regex | Matches any specified field that |
hello |
contains {hello} |
gray|grey |
contains {gray, grey} |
gr(a|e)y |
contains {gray, grey} |
gr[ae]y |
contains {gray, grey} |
b[aeiou]bble |
contains {babble, bebble, bibble, bobble, bubble} |
[b-chm-pP]at|ot |
contains {bat, cat, hat, mat, nat, oat, pat, Pat, ot} |
colou?r |
contains {color, colour} |
rege(x(es)?|xps?) |
contains {regex, regexes, regexp, regexps} |
go*gle |
contains {ggle, gogle, google, gooogle, goooogle, ...} |
go+gle |
contains {gogle, google, gooogle, goooogle, ...} |
g(oog)+le |
contains {google, googoogle, googoogoogle, googoogoogoogle, ...} |
z{3} |
contains {zzz} |
z{3,6} |
contains {zzz, zzzz, zzzzz, zzzzzz} |
z{3,} |
contains {zzz, zzzz, zzzzz, ...} |
[Hh]e\*\*o |
contains {He**o, he**o} |
[0-9] |
contains {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} |
\d{5}(-\d{4})? |
contains a United States zip code |
1\d{10} |
contains an 11-digit string starting with a 1 |
[2-9]|[12]\d|3[0-6] |
contains an integer in the range 2..36 inclusive |
mi.....ft |
contains a nine-character (sub)string beginning with mi and ending with ft |
\d+(\.\d\d)? |
contains a positive integer or a floating point number with exactly two characters after the decimal point. |
[^w*&3@] |
contains any character other than a w, asterisk, ampersand, 3, or at-sign. |
^john |
begins with "john" |
john$ |
ends with "john" |
^john$ |
is exactly "john" |
Advanced Filtering
With Insycle's Advanced search tab, you can further refine your search and get even more specific results.
When you need even more control over the search, use the Advanced tab. The best way to approach this is to first set up fields and conditions on the Filter tab, click Search, and then click the Advanced tab.
The most common use case for using Advanced search is to use an OR operator across multiple fields. For example, set up the fields and criteria "First Name doesn't exist" and "Last Name doesn't exist." When you click Search, the results shown in the Record Viewer are missing both the first and last names. But what if you want to find records that are missing any of the specified values?
Click the Advanced tab on the filter. Here you can see the two fields and conditions. The "+" in front of each field means it's required.
Remove the "+" preceding both fields and click Search again. Now the Record Viewer will show the results missing either the first or last names.
You can use Advanced filtering to find records using the internal value of an object. For example, you could filter by business units or teams within your organization.
To identify the internal value:
- Find a record in HubSpot with the specific value you want to use as a filter.
- In Insycle, access that record in the Cleanse Data module.
- The internal value is the numeric value found in the specific field you want as a filter.
What are auxiliary objects?
In addition to standard fields such as "First Name" under the contact object, HubSpot also has auxiliary objects. Auxiliary objects are independent entities that work just like regular fields. However, they are built separately to consolidate their data in one unique place. This avoids duplication of information.
Insycle will display the internal ID value for auxiliary object fields.
Advanced How-Tos
With your filter and layout set, Insycle can now export your segment of data. The exporting options vary a bit between modules.
Exporting from the Transform Data, Grid Edit, or Data Validation Modules
In the Transform Data, Grid Edit, or Data Validation modules, you can export your data one time, immediately or set up automated exports.
Click the Export button.
In the Export popup, select New File and click Next.
On the Email tab, enter additional email addresses (hit Enter after each), a Subject, and Description. The CSV export will be attached to this email whenever it is generated.
To export the data once:
On the When tab, click Run Now and select which records to apply the change to (in most cases this will be All), then click the Run Now button.
To set up automation for recurring exports:
On the When tab under Automate, set up the frequency your CSV should automatically be exported--hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Then, data that matches your set filter will be automatically exported and emailed to you or your team on a set schedule, improving data collaboration and giving you the opportunity to keep an eye on the most important customer data.
Exporting from the Merge Duplicates and Bulk Operations Modules
In the Merge Duplicates or Bulk Operations modules, you can export your data one time immediately, or set up automated exports. You can use Preview mode to generate a CSV without making changes to your CRM.
Under the Review Step, click the Review button, then select Preview in the popup.
On the Notify tab, add any additional recipients who should receive the CSV (and make sure to hit Enter after each address). You can also provide additional context in the message subject or body.
To export the data once:
On the When tab, click Run Now and select which records to apply the change to (in most cases this will be All), then click the Run Now button. You'll receive the CSV in your email.
To set up automation for recurring exports:
Additional Resources
Related Help Articles
- Export Data on a Recurring Basis
- Standardize Job Titles, Industries, Location
- Bulk Merge Duplicate People, Companies
- Convert Field Type From Free-Text to Picklist
- Import New Records or Update and Append to Existing from CSV
- Compare CSV Data to Existing Records In Your CRM
- Customize Bulk Deduplication Using Exclusions and Pre-Defined Masters
- Integrate Insycle with HubSpot Workflows
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