Compare CSV Data to Existing Records In Your CRM

How to Create a Report Comparing CSV to CRM Data

You have data in a CSV exported from another app, but you have no idea if the records in the CSV already exist in your CRM and, if they do, what data they contain.

With the Magical Import module, you can compare data in a CSV to existing records in your CRM.

Process Summary

  1. Select the CSV file for comparison.
  2. Map CSV columns to CRM fields.
  3. Compare CSV data to existing records in your CRM.


Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Upload Your CSV and Map Columns to Your CRM

Select the CSV File for Import

In the Magical Import module, select the database and the record type in the top menu.

Choose the CSV file that you would like to import. Uploading a file into Insycle does not import it to the CRM right away, and the Compare features are read-only operations. 

Map CSV Columns to CRM Fields

After uploading your CSV data, Insycle analyzes your file and compares the columns in the file to fields in your CRM database.

A column is included for each field in the CSV, with the CSV column header appearing as the top row. Then, Insycle automatically detects the matching CRM fields and maps them for you. The second row shows the mapped CRM field names.


If your CSV contains fields that are not matched to your CRM, a red error notification icon will show. These "Not Mapped" fields need to be mapped manually by clicking the dropdown and finding the appropriate CRM field. 

If there are issues with a record, the red warning icon will be shown on the left side of the row. When you hover over the icon, an explanation of the error will be displayed. If you plan on importing this data after comparing, these rows will need to be fixed or the row data will not be imported. Learn about fixing errors in the Troubleshooting section below.


Step 2: Compare CSV Data to Existing Records in Your CRM

Compare (Preview) provides a simple CSV report comparing the rows in your CSV to existing data in your CRM records. 

Under Step 2, click the Compare (Preview) tab.

Select the Identity Field from your CSV data. This should be a field where both the CSV and CRM have the same value. This needs to be a unique identifier that would only belong to a single record—such as email address, phone number, street address, or ID number. 

Note that when using an email field, Insycle will automatically cross-reference any additional email fields in the records for a match. If using a domain field, Insycle will check additional domain fields. 


Click the COMPARE button, then click the Run ID in the Compare Result popup to download the compare CSV.


If Insycle cannot find a match between your original CSV and your database based on your Identity Field, the Result column in the downloaded compare CSV will say "Not Compared," and the ID column will say "Not Found."

If a "Failed" Result appears, read the Message for details on the issue.

CSV columns appear side-by-side with the mapped CRM fields:

  • (Before) is the existing data in your CRM
  • (After Update) is the column data from the CSV


Tips for Comparing Data

Using the Compare feature, you can:

  • Understand how many contacts from a list are net-new versus already existing in your CRM.
  • Preview how your CSV import would change data for existing records
  • Check unsubscribes against your CRM database.

Advanced How-Tos

Selecting an Identity Field

Insycle uses Identity Fields to compare your CSV to your CRM data. Identity fields must be "unique identifiers." These are data points that could only belong to a single contact—such as email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, or ID numbers.

Additionally, when using an email field, Insycle will automatically cross-reference any additional email fields in the records for a match. If using a domain field, Insycle will check additional domain fields. 


When you make your Identity Field selection, the data under Step 1 will refresh, and you'll be able to see which records are already in your CRM. The records that Insycle found will become blue links that will open the record in your CRM.


Important Note

You can select more than one identity field; however, ALL of the fields must match, not just one or some of them. If you include five identity fields and only four of them match, Insycle will not consider the record a match. In this scenario, much of your CSV data will not be compared.

Typically, it is best to use a single identity field to improve the likelihood of finding existing records in your CRM.



Seeing red warning icon in Step 1

If there are issues with a CSV row, the red warning icon will be shown on the left side of the record. Records that have errors in them will not be imported.

To learn what the problem is and determine steps to resolve it, hover over the red exclamation mark—an explanation of the error will display. 


If a field in your CRM includes dropdown values and the data included in your CSV does not match, the row will display an "Invalid picklist value" error. This value needs to be changed to match the dropdown options used in your CRM.


You can make quick fixes to the import data directly in Insycle by hovering over a value and clicking the pencil icon.


Matches for CSV records not found in CRM

If a record in your CSV is not being matched to a CRM record and you know that it should be, there are several potential causes:

The Identity Field you chose does not match between the CSV and CRM

Have a look at the data in your CRM using the Grid Edit module, adding columns to the layout so you can explore the fields and values. Then, compare this against the columns and values in your CSV to find a reliable but unique field that matches the two sources. 

You are using too many Identity Fields

You can select more than one identity field; however, ALL of the fields must match, not just one or some of them. If you include five identity fields and four of them match, but one doesn't, Insycle will not consider the record a match. 

Typically, it is best to use a single identity field to improve the likelihood of finding existing records in your CRM. 


Your Identity Field choice is too broad

Insycle uses Identity Fields to compare your CSV to your CRM data. If you're using a field that is not truly unique as an Identity Field, it's likely that Insycle won't be able to identify one single record as a match. For instance, there could be many people with the First Name, "John" in your CRM. This is why uniqueness is key.

When selecting your Identity Field, make sure it is truly a "unique identifier." These are data points that would only belong to a single record—such as email address, phone number, street address, or ID number. For companies, it could also be company name, or company domain.


There is a syncing issue

To refresh the data in Insycle, navigate to Settings > Sync Status, select the account, and click the Sync changes from last day button.


Alternatively, you could log out of Insycle and then log back in.

For help re-syncing a specific field, contact support.

For general troubleshooting advice, see our article on Troubleshooting Issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I use the Compare feature?

Use the Compare (Preview) feature when you need to:

  • Identify differences between CSV data and existing CRM records
  • Determine how many contacts in your CSV are new vs. already in your CRM
  • Preview potential changes to existing records before importing
  • Check unsubscribes against your CRM database

This feature is especially useful when:

  • You have CSV data exported from another application
  • You're unsure if the CSV records already exist in your CRM
  • You want to compare CSV data side-by-side with corresponding CRM field values

The Compare feature helps you make informed decisions about data imports and updates, ensuring data integrity and preventing unwanted overwrites.

Does Insycle automatically map my CSV fields to my CRM fields?

Yes, Insycle will automatically map fields that it is able to identify. However, if there are cases where it can't figure out what a field should map to, a warning icon will appear, and the CRM field dropdown will say "Not Mapped." You should select the corresponding CRM field to ensure the field is included in the import.


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