Map Industry Values From External Data Sources


How to Standardize Industry Field Values from Outside Data Sources

You rely on the Industry field values for searching, analyzing, lead scoring, and creating reports, but you are finding many variations for the same industry, such as "Technology," "Tech," and "IT." You need an easy way to ensure these are standardized.

With Insycle, there are several ways you can standardize the Industry field data. The Transform Data module is perfect for standardizing data in bulk. If you have data from an external source that you want to make consistent with your CRM while importing, use the Magical Import module. 

In this article, we'll walk through the example of finding and correcting Company records with Industry values that should be "Information Services" but have incorrect data from a third-party data source. 

Map Industry Values with the Transform Data Module

Process Summary

  1. Filter your data down to the records you'd like to update.
  2. Map your Industry field values.
  3. Preview, then apply the changes to the CRM records.


Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Filter Your Records

Navigate to Data Management > Transform Data, and select the database and record type in the top menu. Then explore the templates for an existing solution that may be close to what you need.

Filter your database down to the records that you would like to update.

Under Step 1, configure the Filter to look in the Industry field for the values "Information Technology and Services" OR "Computer & Network Services." The Industry field is a picklist in your CRM, so select the values you want to find from the dropdown. 


When you click Search, Insycle will list matching records in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the page. 

Record Viewer

If you change the filter, click the Search button again to refresh the results in the Record Viewer. 

Step 2: Map Your Industry Field Values

Under Step 2, give Insycle instructions on what changes to make to the Industry field.

Using the Map function, you can locate specific values or strings of characters in the Industry field and replace them when found.


  1. Select the Field that contains the value you want to modify (Industry).  
  2. Select the Map Function. In this example, we've selected the Map: Contains Substring, which will look for the Existing Text string of characters anywhere in the field values. If found, the value is overwritten with the New Text.
    Learn more about using the Map functions in the Advanced How-Tos below.
  3. In the Existing Text field, enter the value(s) you are looking for.
    In this example, we're looking for several different strings, and if any one of them is found, they'll be replaced. The pipe “|” character (located just above the Enter key on your keyboard) separates the different strings.
  4. In the New Text field, type the new value to replace the entire Industry value with if the string is found.
  5. Click the plus at the end of the row to add additional functions for this field. By setting up several functions at once, you can handle several industries in one operation.
Step 3: Preview Changes and Update CRM Records

Preview Changes in the CSV Report

With the filters and functions set up, you can preview the changes in a CSV file. It's important to verify that your formatting is working as expected before those changes are pushed to your live database.

Under Step 3, click the Review button, then select Preview in the popup.


On the Notify tab, you can select recipients for the email report and add additional context to the message. (Make sure to hit Enter after each email address.)

On the When tab, click Run Now and select which records to apply the change to (you could do All, but if you have a large number of records, you may just want to do a chunk for your preview), then click the Run Now button.

Open the CSV file from your email in a spreadsheet application and review the (Before) and (After) values for each field. In the below example, you can see how several different values will all be transformed to "Technology."

If the results don't look how you expected, return to your filters and functions and try making some adjustments before previewing again.

Review the CSV file

Apply Changes to the CRM

If everything in your CSV preview looks correct, return to Insycle and move forward with applying the changes to the live CRM data.

Under Step 3, click the Review button. This time select Update mode.

On the When tab, you should use Run Now the first time you apply these changes to the CRM.


Save Templates and Setup Automation to Maintain Formatting

After you've seen the results in the CRM and you are satisfied with how the operation runs, you can save your configuration as a template and set up automation so this mapping runs on a set schedule. By automating with a template, you'll save time and ensure that your fields are consistently updated on an ongoing basis.


Map Industry Values from External Sources Using Magical Import

If you have values in a CSV with an Industry column, you can map and standardize those values during the import process—before the data is updated in your CRM—using the Magical Import module.

Map Values from a CSV

Navigate to Data Management > Magical Import, and follow Steps 1 and 2 in the Import New Records or Update From CSV article.

Under Step 3, on the Function tab:

  1. Select the Industry Column Name from your CSV.
  2. Select the appropriate Map Function.
  3. In the Existing Text field, enter the value(s) that are in your CSV that need to be changed before importing. In this example, there are several Industry values that need to be standardized to "Technology," and others that should be "Financial Services."
  4. In the New Text field, type the new value to be entered.
  5. Click the plus at the end of the row to add additional functions for this field.


Click the Apply button to see the changes in the table under Step 1. This updates the CSV data before importing it into your CRM. 

Then continue with the Step 5 instructions to select records and import the data to your CRM.

Tips for Mapping Values

If you aren't sure what variations you have, you should do a little exploratory work to identify what non-standard values exist.

Use the Cleanse Data module to get a summary of all the data variations that are in a specific field in your database. This makes it easy to review the values that are in use and decide what needs to be cleaned up.

Learn more about using the Cleanse Data module.

Advanced How-Tos

Understanding Map Functions

The Transform Data module includes several Map functions that let you locate data within your database and replace one value with another.

Function Description
Map: Values All the content in the field must match the Existing Text value. If it matches, then the entire field is overwritten with the New Text.
Example: If the field is City, and Existing Text "NY|NYC|New York", New Text "NY", then "new york" >> "NY"
Map: Terms Find any standalone term in the field. If found, just the term is overwritten with the New Text.
Example: If the field is Address, with Existing Text "st|st.", and New Text "Street", then "Main St." >> "Main Street"
Map: Contains word Find a specific word in the field. If found, the entire field value is overwritten.
Example: If the field is Industry, with Existing Text "Tech", and New Text "Technology", then "Tech Sector" >> "Technology"
Map: NOT contains word Inversely, look for a specific word in the field. If it is not found, the entire field value is overwritten.
Example: If the field is Favorite Color, with Existing Text "Red|Yellow|Blue", and New Text "Non-Primary Color", then "Purple" >> "Non-Primary Color"
Map: Contains substring Find a specific value anywhere in the string of characters. If found, just the value is overwritten with the New Text.
Example: If the field is Email, with Existing Text "acmi", New Text "acme", then "" >> ""
Map: NOT contains substring Look for a specific value anywhere in the string of characters. If its not found, the entire field value is overwritten with the New Text.
Example: If the field is Website URL, with the Existing Text "||" and New Text "Outside UK," then "" >> "Outside UK"
Map: Starts with Look for the specified value at the beginning of the data, and if found, the value is replaced with the specified text.
Example: If the field is Phone Number, with Existing Text "(212)|(646)", and New Text "New York", "(212) 123-4567" >> "New York"
Map: Default value (unmapped) Often used when adding several functions to one field. When the value in the field doesn't match any of the preceding functions, you can define a default value to apply.
Map: Numeric range Replace a number that falls within a range with a set value.
Example: If the field is Employees, with Existing Text "100-200", and New Text "SMB", then "175" >> "SMB"
Map: Regex Use a regular expression (regex) to find a pattern in your data and replace any occurrence with a specified value.
Example: If the field is Postal Code, with Existing Text parameter "1[0-4]{1}[0-9]{3}", and New Text "New York", then "10013" >> "New York"
Map: US Zip Postal Code to US State (abbrev.) Use the zip/postal code value to write the two-character US state into a specified field.
Example: If the field is Postal Code, with Target Field "State/Region", then "10013" >> "NY"

Learn more about using Map functions

Preserve Original Data by Copying to Custom Field

If you want to preserve the original data in the field, you can add a function to copy the Existing Text data to another, custom field.


Using HubSpot Workflow Automation to Update Industry

HubSpot users can schedule their industry update Recipes directly into HubSpot Workflows. Learn more about integrating Insycle with HubSpot Workflows


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I automate my industry mapping?

Yes. First, save your settings as a template for future use by clicking on the "+" and Save buttons on the Template Menu.


Then, schedule the template using standard automation, bundle templates together for automation using Recipes, or inject those Recipes into HubSpot Workflows.

Should I build a different template for every industry?

Yes. Building a separate template for each industry is the best practice. You can always chain templates together and automate them to run together using Recipes.

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