HubSpot Assign App Overview


Quickly assigning leads or tickets to the right team members and responding promptly increases the chances of converting leads into customers and maintaining existing customer happiness.

But if there's no way of knowing which team members are available, a new item could be assigned to someone who isn't available. This might sit in the rep's queue until they return, costing valuable time. Assigning items without taking existing workload into account can also lead to overloaded reps and missed opportunities.  

Additionally, team members designated to handle specific customers, industries or regions need to be assigned directly to the relevant work. You don't want the customer experience to suffer from shuffling people between reps.

Though HubSpot is equipped with many features to manage and nurture leads and route tickets, your company may need more advanced tools for a tailored approach.

With Insycle, you can optimize routing and assignment to ensure new items reach the right team member at the right time to drive better results, convert more leads, and foster stronger customer relationships.

How It Works

Insycle's Assign app allows you to customize routing and assignment so items are in front of the relevant, available team member for a timely response.

Powerful filtering options let you segment items based on attributes like territory, industry, company, or revenue. Records that meet these criteria can automatically be routed to the appropriate representatives.

Options for controlling how objects are assigned can be tailored to ensure work is distributed appropriately across your team. The allocation automatically takes schedules and existing workload into account so items are only routed to the reps that are currently open.

These configurations can be saved and automated, efficiently distributing work to the team and enhancing response times.

Supported HubSpot Object Types

Insycle supports assigning the following HubSpot object types:

  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Courses
  • Custom Objects
  • Deals
  • Leads
  • Line Items
  • Listings
  • Orders
  • Tickets

You can select the object type you would like to work with in the top menu of each module or app.


Step-by-Step Instructions

Navigate to RevOps Acceleration > Assign, and select the HubSpot database and record type from the top menu. Then explore the templates for an existing solution that may be close to what you need. 

Step 1: Set Up a Filter to Segment the Data

In Step 1 under the Filter tab, select the Field to work with. Use the Condition to set the rule that the data in the selected field must meet. With this filter, you're telling Insycle how to segment the records.

In the example below, the segment will include contacts without an owner, where the industry is "Technology."


Step 2: Choose Assignees and the Method for Assigning

Under Step 2, select the Field you want to assign. The field options are limited to reference fields, which include owner properties. You can set the rules up to automatically assign across several owners, and you can assign to more than one owner type at the same time.

The Rules give you four options for how records should be assigned:

  • Balanced: Looks at the potential owners and checks existing load allocation based on how many prospects are already assigned to each user, then distributes the new items so all users wind up with the same total number. Select the Period the new records were created- only these will be distributed.
    For example, 24 tickets came in this month that needed to be assigned—initially, Jane was assigned 10, and John 5. When the operation ran again, the Balanced rule gave Jane 2 and John 7, so they each wound up with 12 over the course of the month.


  • Weighted: By adding multiple rules for different assignees or groups, you can manage weighted work distribution. The Weight value is the number of items to be assigned, rather than a percentage. The items are distributed round-robin to each assignee by the Weight number, rule by rule.
    For example, if the first rule says 2 to Joe and Josephine, and the second rule says 1 to Jane, the assignments will cycle through assigning 2 to Joe, 2 to Josephine, 1 to Jane. If there are more than 5 items, it will then cycle back to assign 2 to Joe and Josephine and so on.


  • Even: Assigns in a cycle, round-robin style through the names in the order listed, 123, 123, 123. With a saved template Insycle will remember where it left off and continuously distribute records evenly among available assignees. For example, if there are 19 items that match the filter and you want to assign them evenly across 3 people, the Even rule will split it as equally as possible so the three assignees will wind up with 7/6/6.
  • Random: Without looking at availability or workload, this will assign items randomly, like rolling a dice.

When using the Even or Random assignment rules, you can set limits to prevent overloading team members using Assign Per Rep and/or Cap Per Rep in the Advanced tab. Learn more in the Advanced How-Tos below.

⚠️ Once you have everything configured and are satisfied with the preview, it's important to save a template so new items can be assigned in a measured way on an ongoing basis.


The Availability feature lets you enter work schedule info for each team member, so items are only routed to users who are currently open and able to respond promptly. For example, if there are three users selected as potential assignees—Jane, John, and Josephine—but John's work schedule indicates he is not available today, work will only be allocated to Jane and Josephine.

No matter which rule you use—balanced, weighted, even, or random—each user's availability is taken into account.

Note that if no availability info is entered for a user, they will be considered available at all times.

Learn more about Insycle's Availability feature.

Preview Assignments and Update in HubSpot

Preview Changes in the CSV Report

With the filters and assign action set up, you can preview the changes in a CSV file. It's important to verify that your changes are working as expected before they are pushed to your live database.

Under Step 3, click the Review button, then select Preview in the popup.


On the Notify tab, add any additional recipients who should receive the CSV (and make sure to hit Enter after each address). You can also provide additional context in the message subject or body.

On the When tab, click Run Now and select which records to apply the change to (you can do All, or if you have a large number of records, you may just want to do a chunk for a test), then click the Run Now button.


Open the CSV file from your email in a spreadsheet application. The columns include (Before) and (After) values for the selected assign field; (Assignees) shows the users chosen; (Available) indicates which assignees are currently available according to the availability settings.


In the example below, there are four Assignees, but only three of the users are available, so the items were split between the three available people in the Contact Owner (After) column.


If the results don't look the way you expected, go back to your filters and assignment rules and try making some adjustments, then preview again.

Apply Changes to HubSpot

If everything in your CSV preview looks correct, return to Insycle and move forward with applying the assignments to your live HubSpot data.

Under Step 3, click the Review button again, and this time select Update mode.

On the When tab, you should use Run Now the first time you apply these changes to the CRM.


Save Templates and Set Up Automation

After you've seen the results in HubSpot and are satisfied with how the operation runs, you need to save your configuration as a template. This will let Insycle keep track of the assignment history and availability.

Return to the Template menu at the top of the page and click Copy to save your configurations as a new version of whatever template you started with. Then click the pencil to edit your new template name.


To set up automation so this assign operation runs on a set schedule:

Under Step 3, click the Review button, and select Update mode.

On the Notify tab, select the send option appropriate for your automation: Always send, Send when errors, or Do not email.

Add any additional recipients who should receive the CSV (and make sure to hit Enter after each address). You can also provide additional context in the message subject or body.


On the When tab, select Automate, and configure the frequency you'd like the template to run. When finished, click Schedule.


You can view all your scheduled automations at any time on the Operations > Automations page.

Create a template for every segment and combine them all into a Recipe for routing and assigning.

Create a Recipe and Integrate with HubSpot Workflows

When you have a solid set of templates that reliably merge your records, you can put them together into a longer, ordered sequence as a Recipe. Then, you can schedule that Recipe to run on a consistent, set schedule. Your templates will run one after another in the order that you set.


To add your Recipe to a HubSpot Workflow, it must be automated and set to Execute as HubSpot Workflow Action.

Learn more about integrating Insycle Recipes with HubSpot workflows.


View Audit Trail and History

With the Activity Tracker, you have a complete audit trail and history of changes made through Insycle, including processes run in Preview mode or data syncs. At any time you can download a CSV report that lets you see all of the changes that were made in a given run of the operation.

Navigate to Operations > Activity Tracker, search by module or template name, then click the Run ID for the operation.


Advanced How-Tos

Lead Assignment Limits

When using the Even or Random assignment rules, you can set limits to prevent team members from becoming overloaded. The Advanced tab offers two parameters that can be used individually or in combination:

  • Assign Per Rep - Enter a number to set the maximum number of new items that can be assigned to each owner per operation.
  • Cap Per Rep - Enter a number to limit the total number of items an owner can have assigned overall. Before assigning new items, Insycle checks each rep's current assignments to ensure they don't exceed this cap.

You can set either or both of these parameters as needed.

As an example, let's say you have selected three owners: Skyler, who currently has 6 items, Chris also has 6, and Jessica has 3. Your Assign Per Rep is set to 8, and Cap Per Rep is set to 12.


When the assignment operation runs:

  • Skyler will be assigned 6 more items (reaching the cap of 12)
  • Chris will be assigned 6 more items (reaching the cap of 12)
  • Jessica will be assigned 8 items (as per Assign Per Rep, totaling 11)

In this scenario, 20 items will be assigned. Any additional items won't be assigned until the next operation runs (they'll show as "Not assigned" in the CSV).

Remember: The tool will respect both the Assign Per Rep and Cap Per Rep limits, assigning the lower number when both are set.

Add Team Members to Be Assigned

If you don't see the user you need in the list of assignees, you can add any of your HubSpot users. Navigate to Settings > Availability and make sure you have the HubSpot option selected. Then click Add Assignees and select the users to add.


Learn more about using the Availability feature to enter schedule info for assignees.

Making an Assignee Temporarily Unavailable

If one of your assignees will be away for a few days, weeks, or more, you can easily prevent new items from being assigned to them from the Availability feature using the Unavailable toggle. This will make the assignee completely unavailable when your saved Assign app operations run, without needing to remove them from your templates. When they are available again, just switch the toggle to available (yellow), and all workflows will resume as before. 


View Current User Allocation

To preview what Insyscle is looking at when distributing items, open the Group & Update module. Under Step 1, group by the owner field, then click Analyze. Scroll down to the Record Viewer and sort by the Count column to see which users have the most on their plates.


This can help you decide who to include in an assignment template. You can save this view as a template and return periodically to keep an eye on the distribution.

Use HubSpot Workflow Triggers to Assign Items

HubSpot users can schedule their Assign app Recipes directly into HubSpot Workflows. Instead of—or in addition to—a schedule-based approach, you could use the HubSpot Workflows integration to trigger an assignment Recipe to run when a new contact is created or some other event occurs.


Learn more about adding Insycle Recipes to HubSpot Workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I assign items based on region, revenue, or other segment criteria?

Yes, you can segment data with the filter and assign items based on any field in your database. 

Under Step 1 of the Assign app, set the segment criteria using the filter.

For example, by region:




Or use multiple criteria. In the example below, the segment will include companies without an owner, where the industry is "Computer Software" and the region is "New York."


Under Step 2, assign the matching records to the team members who handle this segment.


You can create a template for each segment and then have them run together, automatically by creating a Recipe.


Can I assign items to people who are not Insycle users?

As long as the user has an account in HubSpot, you can add them as an assignee from the Availability tool and enter their work schedule information. This does not affect the cost of your Insycle plan.

See the Assignee Availability article for more info.


Will the assignment order pick up where I left off in Preview mode?

When you run your Assign operation in preview mode, nothing really gets assigned to anyone, so Insycle won’t track these sample assignments. As long as you are using a template, the next time you run the operation in Update mode, it will continue from where you were the last time you ran in Update mode whether this is done manually, or by automation.

How many assignees can I add?

You can add up to 50 assignees in Step 2 so that items can easily be distributed across a large team.


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