How to Analyze and Understand Your Data
Processes such as deduplication and standardization often require that you know what is in your database so that you can design templates that catch all potential variations.
With Insycle's Grid Edit module, you can filter your data in advanced ways using any field in your database, and gain insights by choosing fields to view and analyze.
This article walks through troubleshooting duplicate records that didn't merge.
Process Summary
- Set up a filter to view only relevant data.
- Configure the layout to show the needed fields.
- Analyze the records and fields.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Say you've run a merge duplicates operation but there are still some duplicates in the CRM.
To learn what might be the cause, navigate to Data Management > Grid Edit, and select the object type that you would like to examine.
Set up a Filter using fields and values from a specific problem record.
In this example, to understand why a duplicate contact didn't merge, we're filtering using the unmerged contact's first and last name values.
Choose fields that will help you understand what may be going wrong by clicking the Layout tab.
Click and drag fields to the left side of the screen to include them in the results and any exports.
On the Filter tab, click the Search button. Insycle will show the records that match your criteria in the Record Viewer, below the filter.
When you review the records, you may discover missing or inconsistent values in the fields you used for merging duplicates. In the example below, you can see the First Names are spelled differently, some of the Emails are different, and there are blank Company Name values. This could explain why the records weren't being identified as duplicates based on your merge rules.
Continue to review the fields and values to determine another criteria you could use to solve the problem. In this example, the Last Name and Phone Number could be good fields for matching. First Name could also be used, as long as the configuration is looking for similar, not exact matches.
If you need to see additional fields to gain more insight, return to the Layout tab.
Advanced How-Tos
With your filter and layout set, Insycle can export your segment of data. The Grid Edit module lets you export your data one time, immediately, or set up automated exports.
Click the Export button below the filter.
In the Export popup, select New File and click Next.
On the Email tab, enter additional email addresses (hit Enter after each), a Subject, and Description. The CSV export will be attached to this email whenever it is generated.
To export the data once:
On the When tab, click Run Now and select which records to apply the change to, then click the Run Now button.
To set up automation for recurring exports:
On the When tab under Automate, set up the frequency your CSV should automatically be exported--hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Then, data that matches your set filter will be automatically exported and emailed to you or your team on a set schedule, improving data collaboration and helping you keep an eye on the most important customer data.
If you make changes with the Grid Edit module, you can download a CSV report that lets you see all of the changes that were made from the Activity Tracker.
Navigate to Operations > Activity Tracker, search by module or template name, then click the Run ID for the operation.
If you are sure a value exists in your CRM but you aren't seeing it in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the page, it is often due to the Filter settings.
Here are a few things to look into:
- Make sure there isn't anything in the filter that you didn't intend to be. This often happens if you started with an existing template.
- Ensure that your filter is accurate, and not too specific. For instance, if you are using the "is" operator in your filter, you might broaden the condition using "similar" or "contains" to identify other records with slight differences.
- Make sure that you have clicked the Search button.
If you still don't see the expected data, it is likely a field syncing issue.
To refresh the data in Insycle, navigate to Settings > Sync Status, and next to the account name, click the Sync changes from last day button (lightning bolt icon). Alternatively, you could log out of Insycle and then log back in.
For help re-syncing a specific field, contact Insycle support.
Additional Resources
Related Help Articles
- Quickly Edit and Correct Data
- Export Data on a Recurring Basis
- Module Overview: Grid Edit
- How To Troubleshoot When Things Don't Work as Expected
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