Customize Bulk Deduplication Using Exclusions and Pre-Defined Masters

deduplicate customer data

How to Customize Merging Duplicates in Bulk Using a CSV

You have many records with duplicate data, but you need granular control over what records are merged together and which ones they are merged into. It could be that your records don't have anything in common, so Insycle can't find matches.

With Insycle, you can use CSV files to customize your bulk merging, designate master records, and exclude records from deduplication. Then you can import the CSV from the Magical Import, and use the Merge Duplicates module for complete control over the final merge operation. 

Process Summary

  1. Create a preview CSV report of duplicates.
  2. Update the CSV to specify masters or records to be excluded from merging.
  3. Create custom fields in your CRM.
  4. Import the edited CSV records into the CRM.
  5. Use the new, custom fields to merge the duplicates in your CRM.


Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Create a CSV Report of Duplicates

Navigate to Data Management > Merge Duplicates, and select the database and record type in the top menu. Then explore the existing templates for an existing solution that may be close to what you need.

Next, go through Steps 1-5 of the module to create a Preview CSV. Make sure to pause there; you don't want to Update your records yet. Follow the instructions found in the Bulk Merge Duplicate People and Companies article through to Step 5: Preview Merged Changes in CSV Report.


Insycle will generate a preview CSV and send it to your email.

Pro Tip

To add all of the fields you want to see and work with to the CSV, click the gear icon on the right side of the Step 2 heading.


On the Layout tab of the popup, find the desired field in the right column, and drag it left to the Visible Fields column. Drag-and-drop fields to reorder them in the Visible Fields column.

2. Edit the CSV to Specify Excluded Records and Set Master Records

Open the Preview CSV file from your email in a spreadsheet application.

The CSV will have a row per record and include the following columns:

  • The Result of the action
  • A Message with details
  • The Duplicate Group ID which indicates which records will be merged together
  • A record Status that identifies which were picked as master and which were identified as duplicates and merged into the master. See below for more details
  • All fields used to identify the duplicates in Step 1
  • The record ID, record name or email, and Deeplink to the CRM record
  • All fields selected for the Record and Fields rules in Step 4. Note that if a field is used on both tabs, it will only appear once in the CSV

Add two new columns to the CSV:

  • Deduplication Exclude
  • Deduplication Master

Now given the context from all the fields available in the report, update the CSV as needed:

  • Enter TRUE in the Deduplication Exclude column for any row you'd like to exclude from the merge.
  • Enter TRUE in the Deduplication Master for the row you'd like to designate as the master from within a duplicate group.


When you're done filling in the Deduplication Exclude and Master columns, remove all columns from the CSV except for:

  • Record ID
  • Deduplication Exclude
  • Deduplication Master


When finished, save the CSV as a new file to your computer.

3. Create Custom Fields in the CRM

In your CRM, create two custom fields:

  • Deduplication Exclude
  • Deduplication Master

For the field type, pick "Boolean" or "Checkbox."

The underlying field names for these fields in the CRM are: 

  • deduplication_exclude
  • deduplication_master

After creating the CRM fields, refresh the data in Insycle by logging out and then logging back in. You could also navigate to Settings > Sync Status, and next to the account name, click the Sync changes from last day button (lightning bolt icon).

4. Use Magical Import to Tag Duplicates

Open the Magical Import module, and load the saved CSV file with your new custom fields.

Under Step 1, map the CRM ID column to the CSV Record ID field. The other two fields will map automatically.


Under Step 2, set the ID field for the Identity Field and select the Records Mode, "Only update existing," because those records already exist in the CRM. You're just "tagging" those existing records for deduplication.


Then click the Import button under Step 5 to import the CSV. ⚠️ Note that there is no preview step in the Magical Import module. All changes are immediately applied to your CRM.

5. Use Merge Duplicates to Run the Operation 

Now that records have the deduplication tags in the CRM, you can use the custom fields to tailor the cleanup process.

Return to the Merge Duplicates module. In Step 1, click the Filter button to exclude records from deduplication.


For the filter settings in the popup, select the Deduplication Exclude field, the "not any of" Condition, and enter "Yes" in the value field.


To designate your chosen records as the masters, in Step 4, remove all rules and add just one rule: Deduplication Master, "is," "Yes."


Preview Your Changes in a New CSV Report, Then Apply the Updates to Your CRM

Under Step 5, use Preview mode to confirm that the deduplication works as expected with all the customizations. 


If everything in the CSV looks correct, return to Insycle and move forward with applying the changes to your CRM using Update mode.


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to field data that isn't in the master record? Will I lose data?

By default, Insycle will keep the master record values; if a master record has empty fields, Insycle copies values from the most recently updated record in the duplicate group where that data exists. 


For example, if the master record's Industry field is empty but another record in the duplicate group has an Industry value, that value will automatically be copied to the master record.

Additionally, you can control what values are saved in the master record after the merge, regardless of the default merge behavior. By adding each field you want to control the data retention for in the Fields tab under Step 4 and selecting a Criteria, you can tell Insycle where the data for the field should be taken from and how to handle it.

Any data that is not in the master or not copied to the master is removed.

Learn more about configuring data retention.

How can I find duplicates when one field is empty?

When using two or more fields to identify duplicates, records can still be considered matches even if one of the field values is blank. You just need to specify which field(s) allow a blank value.

Under Step 1, configure your matching rules in the Simple tab, then click the Conditions tab.


All the matching fields you included will automatically appear with the Value Required in All Records condition selected. Change the condition to Empty Allowed in Any Record to allow empty values for certain fields. You can also use the At Least One Record with Non-Empty condition to help you determine which is the master record. Make sure at least one field remains required and is a reliable unique identifier to ensure the records are really duplicates.


For example, on the Simple tab, you may have the matching fields: First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number. But on some of your records, the Phone Number field may be empty. Using the conditions "Empty Allowed in Any Record" or "At Least One Record with Non-Empty," all records with the same name, same phone number, and no phone number will be considered duplicates.


Can I match duplicates using two different fields?

Yes, you can match duplicates using data in two separate fields. For example, you can look at both the Business Phone and Mobile Phone field values as a single pool of values to compare records and identify duplicates.

Using the Related Fields feature, you can use two different fields (that contain similar data) as matching fields to catch more duplicates. You can set up Related Fields in the Advanced tab of Step 1.


If I already know which records I want to merge, how can I do that in Insycle?

You can merge specific records using a CSV file containing the records you want to combine. Here's how:

  • Prepare a CSV file with columns for the record IDs and a "Merge Master" column. In the "Merge Master" column, mark which record should be kept after merging.
  • Create a custom field called "Merge Master" in your CRM.
  • Use the Magical Import module to import your CSV file into the CRM, updating the "Merge Master" field for the relevant records.
  • Go to the Merge Duplicates module and set up a filter to select records based on the "Merge Master" field.

See the Step-by-Step Instructions above for full details.

Do the fields I use to match need to be exactly the same?

No, your field data does not need to match exactly. The Similar Match Comparison Rule found in Step 1 looks for values that may be close but with a one-character difference (maybe a typo) and broadens the search.


This search behaves like when Google shows results for a slightly different term, or says “Did you mean...” For example, if an Email of, “” is found, it could include records with the values “," or ",” as a match.


When you do use Similar Match, make sure to carefully review the results to ensure the duplicates being identified are what you're expecting.

Review the Understanding Similar Matching best practices for more detail.

Why can I only process 50 duplicate groups at a time?

Insycle shows 50 records on the module screen as a preview, this isn't the entire list of records. View the Preview CSV report to see the results for all records.

Insycle can process thousands of duplicate groups in one operation. Potentially, you could deduplicate your entire database in one operation. 

How many duplicates can I merge into one master record?

You can merge up to 100 duplicates into one single master record. 

If you have duplicate groups that contain more than five records, you may want to change the value in Skip duplicate groups with more than 5 records per group under Step 3 to make sure you can get them all.


This is a precaution to ensure that if you use a duplicate matching filter that is too broad in Step 1, you do not accidentally merge many non-duplicate records together. If you are going to set this number at a high level, it is a good idea to run Preview Mode first to make sure your deduplication template is operating as you intend.

Are there any limits on the number of records that can be identified and merged with my paid subscription?

All plans include unlimited usage, unlimited users, and unlimited operations. During the free trial, there is a cap of 500 records updated, cleansed, or merged. See the pricing page for more details.

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