Managing Additional Email Address Values in HubSpot


How to Swap, Replace, Add or Remove Additional Email Addresses

A well-maintained email system in HubSpot can streamline your sales and marketing processes, improving overall efficiency. Ensuring you have the correct and up-to-date email addresses prevents sending communications to the wrong person or inactive accounts.

If you notice an increase in bounced emails and non-responses, you can leverage Additional email addresses for the record. However, manually copying and pasting these values record-by-record is time-consuming, and making the change in bulk requires multiple steps. 

If you just want to add new additional emails or clean up unwanted ones, there isn't a way to do this in bulk in HubSpot, so it must be done one record at a time.

Insycle offers efficient solutions for managing HubSpot contact email addresses, whether you want to swap, add or remove values.

Replace or Swap Email Addresses

Insycle makes it easy to swap your HubSpot contact email addresses efficiently. Using the Transform Data module, you can cycle through and try additional emails. Or, using the Grid Edit module, you could export the values and cherry-pick which additional email addresses to use, then overwrite the primary email in one step using the Magical Import module. 

Replace Primary Email with Additional Email Using the Transform Data Module

Navigate to Data Management > Transform Data and select the Contacts record type.

In Step 1, set up the filters to isolate the primary email addresses you want to replace. 

In this example, we want to replace primary email addresses that have bounced two or more times.

We've configured two filter rules:

  1. Field: Marketing emails bounced, Condition: equals or greater than, Value: "2"
  2. Field: Additional email addresses, Condition: exists


In Step 2, select the Additional email addresses field and add two functions:

  1. Function: Split: By any delimiter and pick the Nth term, Existing Text: ";", New Text: "1"
    This will use the first email address for the next step, whether there is just one or several separated by a semicolon. If there are multiple emails in the field and you want to select the second value, for example, you could set the New Text value to "2".
  2. Function: Copy: Values, Target Field: Email
    This will copy the specified email value into the Email field, leaving the original field data as is. If you want to remove the value from the Additional email addresses field, you could use the Copy: Move function.


To also copy the original primary Email value to the Additional email addresses field, set up these functions: 

  • Field Name: Additional email addresses
    1. Function: Split: By any delimiter and pick the Nth term, Existing Text: ";", New Text: "1"
    2. Function: Copy: Move, Target Field: Email
      This will copy the specified email value into the Email field and leave the original field data as is.
  • Field Name: Email
    1. Function: Append: Concatenate, Parameter: ";", Field Name: Additional email addresses


Click the Review button under Step 3, and use Preview mode to see how your operation will run. Open the preview CSV file from your email in a spreadsheet application and review the side-by-side Email (Before) and Email (After) values for each row.


If everything looks good, return to Step 3 and apply the changes to HubSpot using Update mode.

Learn more about using the Transform Data module with HubSpot.

Use a CSV File to Manually Select Additional Email Addresses to Swap with Primary

When you want more control over the replacement process, you can export the email data using the Grid Edit module, specify which additional email values to use, and then swap the values in HubSpot using Insycle's Magical Import module.

Go to Data Management > Grid Edit and select the Contacts record type.

In Step 1, set up the filters to isolate the primary email addresses you want to replace. 

In this example, we're looking for records where the primary email addresses are using free email providers and they have additional email address values.

We've configured these two filter rules:

  1. Field: Email, Condition: contains, Value: "gmail|outlook|yahoo|icloud|hotmail"
  2. Field: Additional email addresses, Condition: exists

Click Export.


In the Export popup, select New File and click Next.

On the Email tab, review your email address and enter a Subject. Optionally add a Description.

On the When tab, click Run Now and select All records, then click the Run Now button.


Open the CSV in a spreadsheet editor and remove everything except the columns ID, [Primary] Email, and Additional email addresses. When there are multiple addresses, keep only the one you want to make the primary email on the record.

Rename the columns for the import. For example, relabel:

  • ID to Record ID
  • Email to Old primary email
  • Additional email addresses to New primary email


In the Magical Import module, select the CSV and map the columns in Step 1.

Map the "Old primary email" column to the Additional email addresses field and select the Update Import Mode. If there are other email addresses there you want to keep you could make the old primary email to a custom field like "Old primary email." 

Map the "New primary email" column to the Email field and select the Update Import Mode.


Select the Record ID field as the Identity Field in Step 2. To avoid creating new records if there is a mistake in your CSV you can select the Only update existing Records Mode.


Under Step 5 click the Import button and confirm the operation.

Zackery Dan's HubSpot record before the operation


Zackery Dan's HubSpot record after the operation


Learn more about using the Grid Edit and Magical Import modules with HubSpot.

Remove Additional Email Addresses

To clear Additional email addresses, you can use the Bulk Operations module to remove all values from the field. Or, if you need to cherry-pick which additional email values are deleted, export contact records using the Grid Edit module, then use the Magical Import module to specify values to delete while importing.

Bulk Delete Values Using the Bulk Operations Module

Navigate to Data Management > Bulk Operations, and select the Contacts record type.

In Step 1, set up the filter to find records that have Additional email addresses that include values you want to remove.

In this example, we are looking for additional emails for a specific company and have set up one filter rule:

  • Field: Additional email addresses, Condition: contains, Value: ""


In Step 2, on the Update tab, select the Additional email addresses field. Leave the New Value blank.


Click the Review button under Step 3, and use Preview mode to see how your operation will run. Open the preview CSV file from your email in a spreadsheet application and review the side-by-side Additional email addresses (Before) and Additional email addresses (After) columns. The Additional email addresses (After) column should be empty.


If everything looks good, return to Step 3 and apply the changes to HubSpot using Update mode.

Learn more about using the Bulk Operations module with HubSpot.

Remove Additional Email Addresses Using a CSV

To see your data and specify what to delete on a record-by-record basis, export contact records using the Grid Edit module.

Go to Data Management > Grid Edit and select the Contacts record type.

In Step 1, set up the filters to isolate the primary email addresses you want to replace. 

In this example, we're looking for records where the Additional email addresses contain numbers using this rule:

  1. Field: Additional email addresses, Condition: regex, Value: ".*[0-9].*"

Click Export.


In the Export popup, select New File and click Next.

On the Email tab, review your email address and enter a Subject. Optionally add a Description.

On the When tab, click Run Now and select All records, then click the Run Now button.


Open the CSV in a spreadsheet editor and remove values from the Additional email addresses column. You can remove all values from the field, or if there are multiple emails, delete only specific addresses.

In the Magical Import module, select the CSV and map the columns in Step 1.

For the Additional email addresses field, select the Overwrite Import Mode. Overwrite will completely replace existing values in the records.


Select the Record ID field as the Identity Field in Step 2. To avoid creating new records you can select the Only update existing Records Mode.


Under Step 5 click the Import button and confirm the operation.

The CSV report that is sent to your email will show your changes in the Additional email addresses (Before) and (After Overwrite) columns.


Learn more about using the Grid Edit and Magical Import modules with HubSpot.

Add Additional Email Addresses

If you need to add more addresses to the Additional email addresses field, this can be done conveniently in bulk from a CSV file using the Magical Import module; to view a segment of records and edit them one by one, use the Grid Edit module.

Add Email Addresses One at a Time Using the Grid Edit Module

Go to Data Management > Grid Edit and select the Contacts record type.

In Step 1, set up the filters to isolate the contacts you want to edit. 

In this example, we want to add another email address to all contacts associated with a specific company using this rule:

  1. Field: Primary Associate Company ID, Condition: any of, Value: "Zappsec"


Click the Search button, and the records that match this filter will load in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the page.

To change the fields that appear in the Record Viewer, click the Layout tab under Step 1 and drag items in and out of the Visible Fields list.


In the Record Viewer, hover over the Additional email addresses field for a record and click on the pencil icon.


In the Edit popup, enter the new email address. If there are already email address values in the field, separate them using a semicolon with no spaces between them (for example, ";"). When finished, click Save


As soon as you save, the field update is pushed to your live database.


Learn more about using the Grid Edit module with HubSpot.

Add Multiple Email Addresses to a CSV and Import to Your CRM

Go to Data Management > Magical Import and select the Contacts record type. Then, select the CSV and map the columns in Step 1.

For the Additional email addresses field, select the Append Import Mode. Append will add your CSV values to existing values in HubSpot.


Select the Record ID field as the Identity Field in Step 2. To avoid creating new records, you can select the Only update existing Records Mode.


Under Step 5 click the Import button and confirm the operation.

The CSV report that is sent to your email will show your changes in the Additional email addresses (Before) and (After Append) columns.


Learn more about using the Magical Import module with HubSpot.

Advanced How-Tos

Adding Extra Fields to the Layout

To change the fields that appear in the Record Viewer and the Grid Edit CSV export, click the Layout tab.

In the right column, you can search for fields to add to the layout and drag them into the left Visible Fields column. Remove fields by dragging from the Visible Fields column into the right column.


Using Activity Tracker to View Audit Trail and History

With the Activity Tracker, you have a complete audit trail and history of changes made through Insycle. At any time, you can download a CSV report that lets you see all of the changes made during an import operation.

Navigate to Operations > Activity Tracker, enter "import" to search for the Magic Import module, or look for a template name, then click the Run ID for the operation.



Not Seeing Expected Data in Record Viewer

If you are sure a value exists in your CRM but you aren't seeing it in the Record Viewer at the bottom of the page, it is often due to the Filter settings.

Here are a few things to look into:

  1. Make sure there isn't anything in the filter that you didn't intend to be. This often happens if you start with an existing template.
  2. Ensure that your filter is accurate and not too specific. For instance, if you are using the "is" operator in your filter, you might broaden the condition using "contains" or "starts with" to identify other records with slight differences.
  3. Make sure that you have clicked the Search button.


If you still don't see the expected data, it is likely a field syncing issue.

To refresh the data in Insycle, navigate to Settings > Sync Status, and next to the account name, click the Sync changes from last day button (lightning bolt icon). Alternatively, you could log out of Insycle and then log back in.

For help re-syncing a specific field, contact Insycle support.

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